07 July 2008

Tribute to Summer, Part 1

Thanks to my lovvvvvers for a fabulous summer.

This blog gets a breather for the next 2 months, so in the meantime, find me HERE.

xoxo.... see ya soon!

02 July 2008

you so white..

Work is getting prettttttttty boring lately, so Aaron decided to liven it up a bit by writing his own joke book. Although I can't promise him true joke book author status, I did tell him I'd include them in my blog instead.

The latest:

"Girl you so white if you fell from a building and splattered on the ground folks would think you were bird poop"

"You so white when black people see you comin they run cuz they think it's the KKK"

"You so white little kids come up and ask if they can sign your body cast"

Yeahhh like I said. Work is pretttttty boring lately...