30 September 2008

danger zone. you have been warned.

Screw trying to be positive. I don't remember being this deeply frustrated for a long time, and I need some sort of venting mechanism. I tried punching a wall, but it turns out that hurts REAL bad. So since this is my blog, you'll just have to deal with it. Prepare for some serious capital letters and a fair share of curses.

WHAT KIND OF DUMBASS COMPANY PULLS THIS KIND OF STINT?!?! This morning, after 2 weeks of continal promises that we'll "be back to work tomorrow", work was cancelled AGAIN. I woke up with complete optimism and walked myself across town, only to find an EMPTY office. Surprise, surprise.

Of course I was pissssssssed all over again, but the magic of the day had just barely begun. Finally I get a call that the company has another call center doing collections and I could come work there until our calls were up and running. Great news, right?! Yeah, until I found out that THEY WERE OPEN ALL ALONG and they could have had me come to this office for the past freaking 2 weeks. A different department, of course, but at least it's a freakin JOB. And then on top of that, the employees were all sworn to secrecy about their pay because they knew that once we found out how much these freakin idiots were making, we'd be pissed and want to leave the Sales department.

WELL DUH. But feeling lied to and taken advantage of makes me want to leave so much less. So they kept this whole call center a secret and instead kept us unemployed, all in fear we'd experience the land of great commissions and never return. SELFISH BASTARDS.

TWO AND A HALF YEARS with this damn company. Ive driven across the entire country TWICE for them, I've worked as an admin and a summer sales rep and their TOP SALES REP for all the time inbetween. And then they go and open a whole new division with higher commissions and DONT FREAKIN TELL ME ABOUT IT, just because they're too selfish to give up an employee or two that actually makes them some money.

Maybe they could work on making the sales center NOT SUCK and actually train their employees so they all can become good salespeople so they dont have to cling to the competent ones. Maybe they could hire good managers who actually know what the hell they are doing. Maybe they could stop buying so many freakin Hummers and fatty houses and trickle a little of that money down the line to their dedicated employees. Maybe they could ASK their employees for input so they dont implement stupid pitches and policies that DONT WORK and just lose them money and waste them time.

But that would just be too difficult and too smart, wouldn't it.


29 September 2008

for the love of lists

Rather than use my blog as a source for venting, which is what I reallllly feel like doing right now, I have decided to enlist the power of THE SECRET in my life and focus on the positive for a little while. So, here's a list of a few things that make me happppppppy. 

my new house
thinking about Uganda
my roommates (and friends)
my sister
Dish Network. and selling it.
knowing what it's like to have an overabundance of free time
being productive
air conditioning
my new car! (which i have yet to view in person)
pictures. taking, looking.
Macs. i rarely admit this.
Africa reunions
frozen yogurt
the internet
the Ellen show

22 September 2008

the hunt resumes

This is my 4th day off in a row..... AND I'M NOT VERY HAPPY ABOUT IT.

It's really frustrating when a company you have been working for for over 2 years can just screw you over whenever they feel like it. Not only does this make the whole money sitch just that much worse, I really am out of ideas on what to do with all this free time.

When I was going to school, this much time off would have been a major blessing. I would have killed for a few extra hours to just relax or actually study or go visit a friend or even just clean my room. But, now that my life consists only of work, I'm left without much to do when it is taken away from me. So, here I am on campus (cuz that's what cool college grads do, obviously) job searching away in the computer lab. I need a second job, or a replacement job, or maybe even a REAL job to occupy more of my time. Free time kills me.

On a more optimistic note, this weekend was great. Joshua James concert, dance party, HELP reunion, playing with Alyssa and Thad, my new ward, hanging with Leesh, and a dessert party. Looking back I guess it was pretty jam packed... all the things I like best about Provo in one lovely weekend. As an update, I'm loving the new house and my new roommates-- it seems to have been a fantastic pick.

OH and it rained this morning and felt so Seattle-ish I was tempted to run away to the northwest and never return. As much as I lovvve summer, I'm getting a little excited to pull out the sweater box. BRING ON THE FALL.
Why is Thad so cute? This boy kills me.

16 September 2008

food for thought

The first step — especially for young people with energy and drive and talent, but not money — the first step to controlling your world is to control your culture. To model and demonstrate the kind of world you demand to live in. To write the books. Make the music. Shoot the films. Paint the art. -Chuck Palahniuk

12 September 2008

zeeee hairrrrrr

Asked for a trim, got a chop. Surprisingly falling in love with it rather rapidly.....
(but don't worry lengthy locks, you will return. and this time i'll take much better care of you so i never have to chop off all your nasty dead ends again...)

11 September 2008

340 N 200 E

Announcement: Chrissy is no longer homeless!!!!!!!!!!

Andddd I'm officially staying in Provo. Finding a house around here is a major pain (especially when you wait until the middle of September), but I finally found a winner. I'll be the first to admit that the inside is a bit ghetto ... But, since my life is pretty ghetto as a whole right now, I probably won't notice.

They're finishing the new paint and carpet on the inside this week, so I get to move in on SATURDAY. As fun as it's been living on Leesh's couch (thank you dearly, sister dear), it's time to give her and her poor roommates their living room back.

Also, one of the main amenities of the house includes a larggggge paved parking lot in the back. Since getting a car is still in the works, it is useless to me OTHERRRRR than the fact that it is a PERFECT PARTY VENUE. If only last year's house + this year's back yard could be combined... Someday I will design such a house for myself. Anyways, this is just a heads up that as long as my roommates are cool, 340 N 200 E will be hosting a few lil shindigs this year.

But until that fact is verified, I'll just be unpacking and settling in. Visitors are always welcome. Last but not least, a special thanks to everyone that has offered me their couch during this lovely transition period. You're all the bestttttttttt.

10 September 2008

recooperation and rentals

I've kind of been in a funk since I got home, and only barely starting to emerge from it. I haven't felt like myself at allll, and have just felt tired and boring and lame (and extremely sick) all the time. I think a lot of it was due to jetlag, combined with a minor case of malnutrition obtained in Uganda. Now as I slowly get my schedule back on track, eat a better diet (actually including protein now... its amazing), and get back into a routine, I've been feeling MUCH better. I'm still going to the Doctor tomorrow, just for a routine make-sure-I-didn't-acquire-any-fatal-diseases checkup, but I'm pretty sure he's gonna tell me more of the same... get plenty of rest and make sure you eat a well balanced diet. Boring. Also, if there's some equivalent to post-tramautic stress disorder that's related to 'post-coolest-trip-of-your-life' disorder, I probably have that too. I miss Africa!

As the jet lag diminishes, my bleak view of life brightens, and I'm beginning to remember how great my life really is. I'm car, house, and job hunting... which it turns out I'm not very good at. I can do one at a time pretty well, but all three together just boggles my brain and I don't feel like I'm very productive. It probably doesn't help that I'm still unsure if I should be in Provo or not, so I find it hard to commit to a contract. I've been praying like crazy about it, but the heavens haven't seemed to open with a direct answer yet, so I guess we'll see. I tend to get answers with slam in your face NOs, or the path is cleared YESs. Sooo I guess I better just do what I think is best, and I'll get a face slam if I'm wrong. It's been a while since I was on the ask-God-first track, so I'm off in unfamiliar territories right now. I like it though, I feel a lot safer in my decision making.

That's pretty much it for now, but I'll be better about posting more, I promise!

03 September 2008

Homeward Bound

So, I'm officially home and back to Provo. Hopefully you have been keeping track of me at my other blog while I've been in Africa. If not- don't worry I'm still alive. I got home Wednesday night, tried to get over jet lag on Thursday, and then started work on Friday. After work Leesh, Aaron, and I decided to hop in Leesh's new car and head home for the weekend. I forget how much I LOVE roadtrips. At about 2am Aaron handed the wheel over to me, and Leesh and I drove and partied for the rest of the night while he slept in the back.
The following is evidence of what happens when you have severe jetlag, have just stayed up all night (for the 3rd time this week), and then induce a SEVERE caffeine overdose upon yourself. Bad news.

We drove straight to my Dad's house and hung out with him for a few hours, which was lots of fun. He and Adam made us breakfast and I got to meet Adam and check out their apartment for the first time. A+ to both first encouters. I'm glad that both p-rents live in the same state again.. makes dual visiting much easier.

Next step... SILVERWOOD on no sleep. Wouldn't really recommend it, but we still had a blast! I forget how amazing that place is. It's like a mini Disneyland swarming with Pacific Northwest white trash. If you ever feel the need to see an abundance of mullets, jedi braids at record lengths, and underclothed overweight people, Silverwood is definitely the place to go. It was fun to just have a full day hanging out with the whole family and all the long lines gave us an abundance of chill time. Unfortunatly by the time we went out for dinner afterwards my brain was the equivalent of fried eggs. Others compared it to watching someone come down off a heroine high... call it as you wish. The point is I fell asleep on the Applebee's table and others had to translate my order for the waitress. Again, bad news.

Sunday was our family's SIX YEAR ANNIVERSARY. Go us.

Now I'm back to Provo in pursuit of a house, a car, and a real job. Leads in any area would be much appreciated. Really that's all the update I have at this moment, but I'm sure I'll be back with more soon.
And if you ever want to make me REALLLLLY happy, deprive me of caesar salad for 7 weeks and then provide me with a giant plate of it, free of charge. It will always make me smile THIS BIG.