20 November 2008

family blogsters

And then the waiting time is extended, so neither happens. No excitement, and no closure. Just more waiting. Awesome.

In more exciting news, we just got a new family blog, and everybody should go check it out. The Schwab-Barnes family is basically the besssssssst so it will be worth an extra click.

Visit the SCHWAB BARNES BUNCH and leave us some lovins :)

17 November 2008

wrath of nerves.

Do you ever have those days where you feel like your life could either change dramatically in a matter of minutes, or it could just carry on the same uninterrupted?

Today is one of those days.

I feel like my stomach is eating itself. Or maybe that's a racoon...

13 November 2008

inbetween trips, i watch CNN

Thoughts of the Day:

-Leave Palin alone already! I thought the pestering would die down once the election was over, but no such luck. She is a good woman and I dare even say I think she is quite intelligent (dont worry, im as surprised those words are coming out of my mouth as you are). She’s young, hot, and super smart. Although there was obviously some controversy around her nomination for VP, she did NOT destroy the McCain campaign. McCain destroyed it when he was old, boring, and running as a Republican in a year when people pretty much just hate Republicans. Stop using her as a scapegoat!

-I’ve never been a happier person than when it was announced Obama won. I was actually sitting in Del Taco (sadly I still couldn’t bring myself to miss Taco Tuesday, EVEN on election night…) and all of a sudden I got 5 happy phone calls all in a row. What an exciting moment in history!!!

-Prop 8 passed… no comment. People are protesting against the Morms… surprised? No, not at all. But really can you blame them? It does make me sad that people are protesting in front of the temple and blaming it allll on the LDS Church, but I still fully expected it. The Pro-8ers had the right to fight for it, and the opposing side has the right to protest its passing. That’s the way the political process works!!! Especially when it’s a heated issue that passes/fails based on a strong grassroots movement. I’m just grateful we live in America and are all entitled that right, no matter what the opinion may be.

-I’m trying to be all awesome and involved in my ward, but for every step I make forward, I feel like I’m thrown back another 10. I went to a mini- “get to know you” activity at my Bishop’s house (without the roommates… which means I get like quadruple the points), and everything went great and I met some pretty cool people……. Until it all went downhill in a ball of flames. Person 1: “Yeah, in most Arab countries, homosexuality is illegal” Person 2: “Oh, well that’s good” Me: “Yeah, but they like… KILL them for being gay. It’s pretty terrible.” Person 3: “Haha, maybe they should try that in California”. Me, in my head “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE”. But really… compare Arabs killing gay people with California? Do people, even MORMON people, really think we should KILL GAY PEOPLE? In 2008? As Christians? In America? Wow. I couldn’t say a word for the rest of the evening, and went home with tears streaming down my face. Sometimes Utah just kicks me in the gut.

As soon as CNN will stop talking about the election and propositions and transitions to power, I might be able to think about other things in the world. But then I think... what else IS there in the world?? I don't even remember what newspapers and television and my brain were like before the elections. My past YEAR has been wrapped up in the elections, and it's a bit hard to let it go. But I'm working on it, and CNN should too!


November 5th-11th


October 31st

Roadtrip to Oceanside

October 24-26


October 11-15