30 March 2008

burn your bills

North America's next currency... the Amero.

29 March 2008

Lil welcome to lil Dayley

Alyssa and Greg had their baby yesterday! Well, Alyssa "had" it, but I'm sure Greg was very supportive. Could I be any more excited?? It's crazy how much can happen and change in just 9 months. Minneapolis summer seems like sooo long ago-- yet just yesterday at the same time.

In their honor, Aaron and I wrote a song about it... Our songs are usually at a pretty exemplary caliber, so be sure to watch for the music video coming soon.

CONGRATS TO GREG AND ALYSSA!!! I love you both, and your new baby!!!


27 March 2008

primarily for my sister.

In light of some recent family events, I decided to write a letter.

Anybody who actually knows me, realizes that my family is kind of CrAZyyyy. I love them to death, and for the most part things are pretty stable these days. Mom's happily married, Dad's happily living with his boyfriend (Also, my Dad is gay. This probably comes as news to a LOT of people. However, I'm sick of pretending it's not real. It's a part of my life. Deal.) and things are pretty mellow. Took ten years of psycho to get to this point... but I think we're in a good place. Whenever I think of high school though, all I can really remember is lots and lots of fights with my step-dad. I know there were lots of other good things during that time frame (there'd have to be, right???) but somehow I just remember lots of yelling.

Before you picture me as some snotty teenager whining in my parent's room about not being able to go to some stupid party, please stop and listen for a moment. There were all sorts of psychological and social reasons behind it (I'm sure a sociologist or psychiatrist would have a HAY DAY with my family), but let me assure you-stupid parties was not one of them. I think in almost any case, a strong willed completely independent teenager is going to struggle a little bit when a random father figure (also very strong willed) enters into their life with new plans for domination and power. (I really don't mean to make him sound like a bad person- cuz really he's not. I love the guy to death and have grown to respect and love him LOADS. But when I was 16, I thought my life was surely over.)

We didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things, neither of us was willing to give in, and so we argued pretty regularly. Even though this was a rough period, I don't really regret it at all. I don't wish he would've been easier on me, and I don't wish that I would have just bent to his rule. I learned and grew a lot- and really learned how to stand up for myself and not be walked on. (yes, I did obviously forget for a while, therefore letting a lot of dumbass boys treat me real crappy. but again- learning experience. moving on.)

So anyways, my dear and beloved little sister, Annalicia, had similar such struggles. However, she is much more passive (and nice) than I, and mostly just walked away from arguments and pretended like nothing they did bothered her. She doesn't think she's good at arguing and doesn't like confrontation so just never really stood up for herself. Well, as can be expected, the pattern has continued, and J-dawg picked a big fight about politics with her today. I'm sure he is just trying to protect her from her crazy liberal older sister (they are sure that I, along with all other Democrats, are wicked) but it came across totally wrong. He just bombarded her with all these random (and stupid and biased) "facts" about liberals and telling her that she should think for herself (as he tries to brainwash her) and steer clear of the liars and evil things of the world (aka voting for anyone but McCain--- where do crazy conservatives come up with this stuff??)

Ok, sorry- I get easily sidetracked into political rants. But we both just got really frustrated because Leesh isn't even that strong in politics anyways, really she could care less. If he really wanted to argue points and bash on liberals, he should be talking to ME. However, as I pointed out to Annalicia, he will not confront me with such conversations because he KNOWS I will not stand up for his crazy, unsubstantiated crap and will stand up for myself. She- being the weary, already bitter at him, nice girl that she is- will say nothing back and just sit and let it fester and fesssterrrr and FESTTERRRRRR.

So, which method is better--- fighting back all the time, or passively accepting and ignoring? (maybe someone can shed some light or experience???) I don't know really-- but I obviously prefer my method. There are no secrets between my parents and I, they know where I stand on all issues, and they no longer use brainwashing methods to induce obedience. We had some ROCKY times this year-- but I was honest throughout the whole thing, and now things are lookin up. So, since I love my own method so much, I decided to pretend I was Annalicia. If he said things like that to me, and I were her, how would I react? So, I came up with this letter. It's mostly for Leesh... in fact this whole post is mostly for Leesh... as nobody else probably cares or gets what the heck I am saying (and are probably still in shock about the my-dad-is-gay thing; feel free to speak freely about it, it's not a touchy subject) This will likely be one of those lower-comment-count entries... oh well. Next time I'll be funny, promise.

Dear Dad,
Stop trying to brainwash me. I'm a big girl and I have a big brain. You always think of me as a weak and malleable soul who you can walk all over because you think everyone else does too. I have my own opinions, my own thoughts. I have a deep mind and I am not quick to draw conclusions. I think it's unfair for you to assume I sway with the moving fads and crowd. This does not apply to any other aspect of my life- why would it apply to politics?

All throughout high school you treated me like a lesser person because I stand up for what I think, and live the way I want to live. Because I am unique, dress differently, am into art instead of sports, and have a hard time making decisions, or occasionally make bad ones, you have judged me as unintelligent and incapable.

I am living on my own, I am paying everything on my own, I am making smart decisions with my finances (like taking a semester off to avoid going into debt), I got into a good college, I have chosen a major I know I will love and excel in. I am learning a lot about others, myself, and life EVERY MINUTE. Yet you still treat me like a sheepish little girl.

I am so bitter with you, and with Sheri, STILL over old circumstances. I feel like my relationship with you deteriorated after we all got married, and I never developed a strong bond with Sheri. I know a big part of that is my fault and based on my attitude-- growing up does help to shed light on past mistakes.

However- I think the bulk of this problem was founded on your direct FAILURE to accept me for who I am, and love me for who I am. And yet here you go again, judging something I have developed as a part of me (my more liberal mindsets) as wrong, unvalidated, and unsubstantiated. When will you let me just grow up, and accept that grown up version of myself?


26 March 2008

this is the most important part of the whole blog.

Over the past few days we have been talking a lot about marriage in my D&C class. I go to BYU, so this should be no surprise- it's basically a daily topic. I try to avoid these discussions, as marriage is not an activity I plan on participating in anytime soon. However, as part of these discussions, we are repeatedly asked to talk and think about what we want in a future husband (or wife for all you menfolk.) Most people are quick to name the standard basics: goes to church, priesthood holder, educated, respectful, temple worthy, etc. While I have nothing against this list, I think there are many other necessities often overlooked. I mean, 80% of guys at BYU could probably qualify under those terms, so how do you really go about narrowing it down? To help with this process, I created my own list. Note that I've titled it preferences and not requirements, as I've come to realize there probably is no "perfect man" that qualifies under all twenty conditions.

top 20 preferences in a future husband (/boyfriend/lover)

1. can flash the BLOOD sign in 1 second flat
2. knows the difference between bloods and crips

3. can BS a 5 page paper in under 2 hours
4. no fear of hitch hiking or couchsurfing
5. thinks he can fly, or has at least tried
6. completed at least one 15+ hour roadtrip by himself
7. has a desire for brown babies (via adoption, none of this abraham and hagar craziness)
8. willing to backpack South East Asia
9. has considered sneaking into North Korea at least once in his life
10. wishes he were black a minimum of 8% of the time
11. self-conscious of some feature of his body, but has no desire to change it
12. doesn't mind getting hit on by other men, because he takes it to mean he has style
13. can drive with only his knees
14. tells inappropriate jokes, and laughs at himself
15. not obsessed with pork, beef, or venison
16. uncensored sneezes; preferably a trademarked funny one
17. concerned about fridge organization
18. checks himself out in the mirror each time he passes, and then makes weird faces
19. not opposed to traveling to any city, state, or country in the whole world
20. has some sort of unique accent; this requirement can be fulfilled by repetitive usage of bizarre jargon and verbage, or a speech impediment.

If you think you make the cut, be sure to give me a call. We should probably go out sometime...

24 March 2008

hard boiled eggs

Easter was a great day! I woke up early and went to church with Travis since he and Ben are the only ones I know with 9am church. Even Catholics go to church on Easter*, so I figured it'd be worth the extra effort in the morning to make sure I got to go. Leesh and I went up to Morgan with Aaron (because his family is amazingly kind and invited us up) for the best dinner I have had in ages. On the way there, we stopped at his brother's house for petting zoo time. What could be more fitting an Easter activity than playing with little goats and chickies?

Aside from great food and a petting zoo, I really am thankful for the Easter season. Church was all about the Savior and the Atonement, and I couldn't help but think about it allll day long. What an amazing gift!!! I think in the past, Easter was mostly about candy and rabbits because I never really appreciated the Atonement or Resurrection. This year I need it and appreciate it more than ever, and hope to never take it for granted again!!!

*I have NOTHING against Catholics... I respect them completely and think they make the prettiest churches in all of Europe. This statement is in reference to an inside joke with Ioana, who is Romanian Orthodox Catholic somethin somethin... and always says her family only went to church on Christmas and Easter. If they go to church on Easter, it's probably a good sign I should too.

22 March 2008

full time fool

Reasons why Hamilton Environmental is awesome (mornings):
-learn about pollution and other such things
-brush up on my editing and typing skills
-spend other people's money
-sometimes i feel important
-my boss is nice. and entertaining
-Bus 850 drives right by it
-it's right next to the bakery outlet, giving me easy access to the cheapest and best bread ever

Reasons I-Satellite is awesome (evenings):
-continual stream of sweet movies on the big screen
-nobody cares when you show up late, with McDonalds in hand (proof I didnt even try)
-unlimited water bottles, gatorade, and mountain dew
-internet access
-guaranteed homework time
-chatting with Aaron and Leesh
-can talk on my cell phone and ignore sales calls, and nobody cares
-people believe me when i tell them i'm calling from jamaica
-crazy people threats, like "i'm going to drive there and hurt you" and "im going to report you to Dish and i hope you go to jail!!!" Another favorite is always "get a real job", which is mostly humorous when i know i make more money than them
-today i sat and did all fore-mentioned things, and made 4 sales in 4 hours
-i can make 100 dollars on a saturday morning, when i would otherwise be sleeping

Maybe working full time while going to school isn't so bad after all...

20 March 2008

TAG. the game, not the body spray.

James tagged me in the "Random Facts" game. I've never played before, but due to the invite I'm finally starting to feel like an official part of blogging world. As the game requires me to indulge a little about myself, here goes...
  • I don't like Ranch dressing, Maple syrup, or Fox news. Sure sign I don't really fit in at BYU. I read the New Yorker, am addicted to CNN.com, and will vote for Clinton, NOT McCain if Obama doesn't win the nomination. Also, I'm a Democrat (in case the previous lines didn't make that clear) which is enough to put me in the minority all by itself. I used to think Democrats were the devil, and even flew to Michigan to campaign for the R's last year. Oh, how much can change in a year...
  • I skipped the 3rd grade. Well, technically I went for a month, so I guess I didn't skip allll of it. I moved to a new school that year and was helplessly bored learning cursive and filling out worksheets. I used to ask the teacher if I could read to the class during reading time, and being the nice lady she was, she indulged my pleas. If I was anyone else in the class, I would have hated me. The weird part was that after I got bumped to 4th grade I became a sort of celebrity. Definitely nerd celebrity land, but when the whole school only has like 150 kids, and suddenly there's a new 4th grader- people are going to notice. I had like 3 boyfriends that year.
  • I've kissed 3 men who speak absolutely no English. Official proof I speak the language of love.
  • Whenever I pass road markers while I'm in the car, I raise my feet- toes then heels, as the car drives by. This sounds obsurd- I realize this, so let me explain a bit. When I was little I would get bored just looking outside on long roadtrips, so I invented a little game to occupy myself. Whenever we passed a large object, I had to raise my feet over the object as we passed. This applied to road markers, telephone poles, and often boulders. It became a weird little habit, and it's carried on until today. Turns out Leesh does it too- we were meant to be soulmates.
  • One year I was high for an entire summer. I do not recommend this to anyone. No, I am not lying, and yes, I will probably regret including this in my blog.
  • I make a REALLY weird face when I am texting, especially while laying down. I never really noticed until Leesh pointed it out to me, but now that I know about it I'm extremely self conscious. Because let me tell you- it's NOT a pretty face. Basically as I'm laying down and texting, my face gets all scrunched up and contorted, I intensely scowl, and I push out a double chin like no other. All this while focusing intently on whatever I'm texting. The weird part is that usually I'm writing happy texts, but somehow it translates to pain in my face. Odd.
  • My first car was named after a black man (RIP LeRoy), my first concert was N'Sync, and my first kiss was when I was 14. My next 4 siblings (Leesh-19, Jacque-18, Erik-17, Taylor-16) all had their first kisses at age 14 as well, so we had a nice little tradition going. That is, until Sarah made out with JC in the hot tub at age 13. What a little hoe (jk, jk. we told her to do it). But, she is definitely the hottest, so what's to be expected? Sam turns 14 next month, so I think we may be in the clear. As long as we can find him a cute neighbor girl to mack on within the next 13 months, we'll be good to go. Kathryn is only 11, so let's pray she's not kissing anyone for a real long time.

Now I expect a plethora of comments as reassurance it's ok I just spilled my guts on the internet. I tag Alyssa (and/or Greg), Kathryn (and/or Drew), Annalicia, Liberty, and Virginia.

18 March 2008

In other news, I hate George W. Bush

Being the "raging liberal" I am, this should be no surprise. Considering today is the 5-year anniversary of the Iraq invasion, I thought I'd dedicate a whole post in his honor. Defend him as you wish- everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just really can't stand the guy.
My main disgust stems from my dislike for his policies, and more specifically bringing us into an ILLEGAL and preemptive war. He wasted all the support we had internationally after 9/11 and turned us into an international pariah. We aren't any more "secure" than we were 5 years ago, and Iraq isn't in any better condition. We did not find any WMD, and now we're trapped in a high budget war with no end in sight.
I would love to go on, and supply you with all sorts of fun facts and figures, but I'm afraid it might escalate into a boring tangeant that only a fellow Poli Sci fanatic would appreciate. Therefore, on a lighter note, let's take a look at a few of Bush's famous quotes. Turns out not only is he a terrible policy maker, but he's quite the dope of speaker as well.

Here's to Mr Dubuya...

"I glance at the headlines just to kind of get a flavor for what's moving. I rarely read the stories, and get briefed by people who are probably read the news themselves."

"I'm the commander — see, I don't need to explain — I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being president."

"Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties." —discussing the Iraq war

"We need an energy bill that encourages consumption."

"I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things." (yes, yes i believe we do know. thanks for the reminder though)

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country." (i'd have to say this is an all-time favorite)

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." 9/13/01
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." 3/13/02

"See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction." (wait, what country do we live in?)

Well that's all for now. Hopefully I haven't offended anyone.. I really mean it when I say everyone has the right to their own opinion. Just make sure it's YOURS and you know why. Definitely check out the YouTube link for a good laugh... And be smart when you vote in November!!!

16 March 2008

do as you like.

hunger banquet, afton, pi party, liberty, friends, sleep, rex lee run, 32:20, leesh, target, clothes, aaron, truck, emma, hot tub, peter, brandon, snow, Bish, church, dinner, more aaron n leesh, guitar, movie, ward prayer, awkward hour, more movie, andre, fake homework, sleep.

there's the weekend rundown. my brain is too shot to expound. it's been a good weekend though. a few basics, a few monumental occurances. my life is changing for the better, and i like it.

12 March 2008

taco tuez

I promised i'd dedicate a post to Del Taco Tuesday... so here ya have it. This is an official ode to the best day of the week.

Reasons Taco Tuesday is awesome:

-good excuse to get out of the house
-3 tacos for ONE dollar... need i say more?
-brings all the girls together for a night out
-reunites freshman year party friends
-excuse to get ready for the day (yes, sometimes ya still need an excuse at 10pm)
-the tacos are AMAZING
-you can pick hard OR soft
-the El Scorcho sauce is delish
-vegetables (lettuce), dairy (cheese), fruit (tomato), bread (shell) ANNNND meat... all in one delicious bite.

word out.

10 March 2008

the curse is shattered

I had the most amazzzzzzing birthday yesterday, and I feel like I just have to share. I'm blessed with amazing friends and family- and it was really just a great booster of a day for me. The last couple weeks... ok MONTHS have just seemed to crazy confusing and I've really been lacking a lot of direction. Now- I don't necessarily think that birthday magic cured all that by any means, but things just all seem to be coming together- coincidentally right around my birthday.

The best part of it all is that my birthday has long been plagued by a series of unfortunate events that unluckily fall right on my birthday. On my 11th birthday, my Dad had a nervous breakdown (like, literally- haha)and my life basically fell apart, and the 10 years following seemed to be filled with all sorts of the same bad luck. Examples: 14th-jumped by school bully..long story; 18th- the jaleah explosion, 19th- dropping a ring off a balcony and inevitably returning it to the giver... (yeah, we all know that story). Anyways, I'm not tryin to like bring up the past garbage of my life, that's not really the point. Cuz honestly, I find most of those things rather humorous now. Basically, the last 10 birthdays have just been full of nasty- it's a wonder I even look forward to birthdays at all.

However, the curse has been broken and I think my ten year stint has been served. Yesterday I was blessed with the love of amazing friends, and a supportive family. Cards, gifts, and even just being surrounded by the people I love all made it all the better. Church was amazing, and for the first time in a LONG time I felt an inner desire to actually try. I got home after church and jumped on my bed for a solid 5 minutes out of pure joy (yes, i really am a 1st grader). Not just because church was so awesome- but just a combination of a lot of things. Birthdays are great on their own, combined with party anticipation, relief over a re-discovered testimony, and a surge of inspiration to renew life efforts and goals.

The past few months I have been WAY off track, and it's time to refocus my efforts. Thanks to all my friends for reminding me it's possible- not necessarily by anything you say, but by the things you do and the way you live your life and the way you love me, despite all my many deficiencies.

Well, this is gettin all crazy dramatic again and that was definitely not the intention. Really I just wanted to say I had a great birthday and thanks to everyone who played any part. You guys are the greatest.


05 March 2008

bad words

I'm not swearing anymore. If you hear me slip, you have full permission to reprimand and lecture. I sound like a sailor, and sailors aren't even cool anymore.

-damn and hell. usually.
-the s word when it is said in mocking gangsta style. like "'nuff o' dat sh*&"
-ass when saying anything else will make me sound like a 1st grader