top 20 preferences in a future husband (/boyfriend/lover)
1. can flash the BLOOD sign in 1 second flat
2. knows the difference between bloods and crips
3. can BS a 5 page paper in under 2 hours
4. no fear of hitch hiking or couchsurfing
5. thinks he can fly, or has at least tried
6. completed at least one 15+ hour roadtrip by himself
7. has a desire for brown babies (via adoption, none of this abraham and hagar craziness)
8. willing to backpack South East Asia
9. has considered sneaking into North Korea at least once in his life
10. wishes he were black a minimum of 8% of the time
11. self-conscious of some feature of his body, but has no desire to change it
12. doesn't mind getting hit on by other men, because he takes it to mean he has style
13. can drive with only his knees
14. tells inappropriate jokes, and laughs at himself
15. not obsessed with pork, beef, or venison
16. uncensored sneezes; preferably a trademarked funny one
17. concerned about fridge organization
18. checks himself out in the mirror each time he passes, and then makes weird faces
19. not opposed to traveling to any city, state, or country in the whole world
20. has some sort of unique accent; this requirement can be fulfilled by repetitive usage of bizarre jargon and verbage, or a speech impediment.
If you think you make the cut, be sure to give me a call. We should probably go out sometime...
sooo... kind of you want to marry yourself, huh? lol j/k, j/k. I liked the blooods/crips requirement. I swear, you just barely missed out on tras hahaha
Well, I know that I have #1 down for sure. Do I qualify?
you did this instead of writing your pape for your class. slaaaaaaack.
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