07 April 2008

the magic four

Until I have time for a real post...

Four jobs I've had: 1. door to door salesman 2. research intern 3. secretary 4. call-center sales

Four places I've lived: 1. Deer Lake, WA 2. Oceanside, CA 3. Minneapolis, MN 4. Brussels, Belgium

Four movies that I love: 1. Fight Club 2. Juno 3. Across the Universe 4. Borat

Four favorite foods: 1. curry (Thai Ruby=heaven) 2. Durums 3. brownies and ice cream 4. sushi

Four weird things about me 1. im lactose-intolerant; ice cream makes me ill but i eat it anyways 2. i crush on EVERYONE (well, all males)- all for different reasons. i think this is why i'm bad at relationships. 3. usually i'm late on purpose 4. i hate sleeping by myself

Four favorite TV shows 1. The Office 2. Grey's Anatomy 3. Desperate Housewives 4. Gossip Girl (yes, i fully realize the last 3 are fully girly, dramatic, and possibly even lame. i can't help it!!! they have to replace the lack-of-drama in my own life)

Four places I'd love to go 1. Africa 2. Thailand 3. Nepal 4. Brazil

TAG, you're all it.

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