22 April 2008

pushin pennsylvanians

I realize it's been a while since I've talked much about main man Barack Obama, but don't worry- that doesn't mean I love him any less. Today is the Pennsylvania primaries. Who would have thought their votes would ever matter. Not that they really do this time either; they're already saying it's too close to declare a winner based on exit polls. BUMMER. I had a dream the other night that Hillary was finally just like "you know what? Obama is freakin AWESOME and i'm droppin out so he can win President!!!" <yes, some people do actually fantasize over such things to the point of dreaming about them>. Sadly, I woke up and she is stilll around. I really hope tonight is some determinant of what the future will hold. The longer they mess around, the greater lead McCain gains as he has more time to focus on the main campaign. I'm starting to get stressed out!!!

Obama made a comment last week that stole a bit of his momentum... I hate how everybody blows things WAY out of proportion in politics. Everybody's definitely good at the bullshit game, that's for sure (maybe that's why I'm so into politics? ) Anyways, he made some comments stating that poor people tend to turn to religion and ethnic ties (leading to nationalism and racism) in the wake of poverty. In fact, here it is in full for you:
"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in
the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years. … And it’s not surprising
then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who
aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to
explain their frustrations”- Barack Obama

Ummmm DUH! It seemed so obviously true to me, yet McCain and Clinton tried to turn it around and say he was being an elitist. Aside from all the obvious reasons I feel he is right, I also found it interesting as I was doing some Human Security studies for one of my classes that there are a few intellects who have actually already said the SAME exact thing. With research. And evidence. In fact, whole books showing that the biggest problems of the next century will be based on the fact that scarcity leads to poverty which leads to major increase in violence, ethnic conflict, and desecuralization (aka turning to religion). You can look here for a few pages of summary about Kaplan's theory (jump down to p 188). After doing some research, it turns out I'm not the only one who agrees, and they say it much better than me.

I realize that really I should include a much broader description of exactly why Obama was right, and why McCain and Clinton were wrong in misinterpreting, and why Kaplan's "The Coming Anarchy" is freakin AWESOME. But then I got lazy and wanted to just rant about it a little, and hope I proved at least a bit of a point. This guy said it real good too, so if you're super interested, you can read him for better arguments.

Well needless to say, I love Obama. I wish that I didn't have school and work and I could just run away with his campaign (let me specifically clarify: with HIS CAMPAIGN, not with HIM. ya sickos!) But alas, here I am stuck in Provo, glued to CNN. Someday......

In other news: I TAKE MY LAST FINAL OF MY UNDERGRAD CAREER IN APPROXIMATELY 30MINUTES!!! No, don't ask why I'm blogging instead of studying, and YES congratulate me because I graduate in less than 48 hours. WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!

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