19 May 2008

temporary grumpiness

Today is frustrating. Provo has been driving me absolutely nutty lately... specifically based on two specific events of the last two days. Right when I start thinking Utah mighhht just be tolerable, people have to go and be incredibly lame and ruin it all. Needless to say, I'd like out NOW. OK wait, let me clarify- Utah itself is great. The weather has been improving and I love the sunshine, and I like the mountains and hikes and lakes and grass. The people (ok, a few people) in their self righteous-butt-into-everyone's-life attitude have about sent me over the edge!

To top off the wonderfulness, the air conditioner in the office is broken so I've been cooped in an attic for the past 8 hours. Extremely tired (weekend recovery mode), no windows, no ventilation. 88 degrees. My head feels like it may explode. Maybe I can think of it as Africa training? Or maybe it's to help me appreciate the first 4 hours of the day at my morning job where the AC is sooo high I have to wear a sweater. Usually I whine about it a little in my head, but tomorrow I will do nothing but appreciate. That's what the bad things are for, right? Help us appreciate the good... or something...

I promise to post more later tonight after I have a good glass of fruit juice in my system, and have returned to my air-conditioned refuge. Room temperature seems to play a surprisingly large affect on my mood.


Kathryn Pepper said...

you are awesome. and drew and i love you.

LEESH said...

hahahahahahahhaah that cartoon made me smile :)