30 September 2008

danger zone. you have been warned.

Screw trying to be positive. I don't remember being this deeply frustrated for a long time, and I need some sort of venting mechanism. I tried punching a wall, but it turns out that hurts REAL bad. So since this is my blog, you'll just have to deal with it. Prepare for some serious capital letters and a fair share of curses.

WHAT KIND OF DUMBASS COMPANY PULLS THIS KIND OF STINT?!?! This morning, after 2 weeks of continal promises that we'll "be back to work tomorrow", work was cancelled AGAIN. I woke up with complete optimism and walked myself across town, only to find an EMPTY office. Surprise, surprise.

Of course I was pissssssssed all over again, but the magic of the day had just barely begun. Finally I get a call that the company has another call center doing collections and I could come work there until our calls were up and running. Great news, right?! Yeah, until I found out that THEY WERE OPEN ALL ALONG and they could have had me come to this office for the past freaking 2 weeks. A different department, of course, but at least it's a freakin JOB. And then on top of that, the employees were all sworn to secrecy about their pay because they knew that once we found out how much these freakin idiots were making, we'd be pissed and want to leave the Sales department.

WELL DUH. But feeling lied to and taken advantage of makes me want to leave so much less. So they kept this whole call center a secret and instead kept us unemployed, all in fear we'd experience the land of great commissions and never return. SELFISH BASTARDS.

TWO AND A HALF YEARS with this damn company. Ive driven across the entire country TWICE for them, I've worked as an admin and a summer sales rep and their TOP SALES REP for all the time inbetween. And then they go and open a whole new division with higher commissions and DONT FREAKIN TELL ME ABOUT IT, just because they're too selfish to give up an employee or two that actually makes them some money.

Maybe they could work on making the sales center NOT SUCK and actually train their employees so they all can become good salespeople so they dont have to cling to the competent ones. Maybe they could hire good managers who actually know what the hell they are doing. Maybe they could stop buying so many freakin Hummers and fatty houses and trickle a little of that money down the line to their dedicated employees. Maybe they could ASK their employees for input so they dont implement stupid pitches and policies that DONT WORK and just lose them money and waste them time.

But that would just be too difficult and too smart, wouldn't it.