03 September 2008

Homeward Bound

So, I'm officially home and back to Provo. Hopefully you have been keeping track of me at my other blog while I've been in Africa. If not- don't worry I'm still alive. I got home Wednesday night, tried to get over jet lag on Thursday, and then started work on Friday. After work Leesh, Aaron, and I decided to hop in Leesh's new car and head home for the weekend. I forget how much I LOVE roadtrips. At about 2am Aaron handed the wheel over to me, and Leesh and I drove and partied for the rest of the night while he slept in the back.
The following is evidence of what happens when you have severe jetlag, have just stayed up all night (for the 3rd time this week), and then induce a SEVERE caffeine overdose upon yourself. Bad news.

We drove straight to my Dad's house and hung out with him for a few hours, which was lots of fun. He and Adam made us breakfast and I got to meet Adam and check out their apartment for the first time. A+ to both first encouters. I'm glad that both p-rents live in the same state again.. makes dual visiting much easier.

Next step... SILVERWOOD on no sleep. Wouldn't really recommend it, but we still had a blast! I forget how amazing that place is. It's like a mini Disneyland swarming with Pacific Northwest white trash. If you ever feel the need to see an abundance of mullets, jedi braids at record lengths, and underclothed overweight people, Silverwood is definitely the place to go. It was fun to just have a full day hanging out with the whole family and all the long lines gave us an abundance of chill time. Unfortunatly by the time we went out for dinner afterwards my brain was the equivalent of fried eggs. Others compared it to watching someone come down off a heroine high... call it as you wish. The point is I fell asleep on the Applebee's table and others had to translate my order for the waitress. Again, bad news.

Sunday was our family's SIX YEAR ANNIVERSARY. Go us.

Now I'm back to Provo in pursuit of a house, a car, and a real job. Leads in any area would be much appreciated. Really that's all the update I have at this moment, but I'm sure I'll be back with more soon.
And if you ever want to make me REALLLLLY happy, deprive me of caesar salad for 7 weeks and then provide me with a giant plate of it, free of charge. It will always make me smile THIS BIG.


LEESH said...

truly laughing out loud about the applebees experience. i've never seen someone so weird before.

Anonymous said...

you look incredibly beautiful and TAN and SKINNNNNY. I heart you lots and lots. yeah for blogs... and for provo tehe
thanks for coming over last night it was definitely fun to hang out again!

Greg and Alyssa said...

more updates pleazzzzz