10 September 2008

recooperation and rentals

I've kind of been in a funk since I got home, and only barely starting to emerge from it. I haven't felt like myself at allll, and have just felt tired and boring and lame (and extremely sick) all the time. I think a lot of it was due to jetlag, combined with a minor case of malnutrition obtained in Uganda. Now as I slowly get my schedule back on track, eat a better diet (actually including protein now... its amazing), and get back into a routine, I've been feeling MUCH better. I'm still going to the Doctor tomorrow, just for a routine make-sure-I-didn't-acquire-any-fatal-diseases checkup, but I'm pretty sure he's gonna tell me more of the same... get plenty of rest and make sure you eat a well balanced diet. Boring. Also, if there's some equivalent to post-tramautic stress disorder that's related to 'post-coolest-trip-of-your-life' disorder, I probably have that too. I miss Africa!

As the jet lag diminishes, my bleak view of life brightens, and I'm beginning to remember how great my life really is. I'm car, house, and job hunting... which it turns out I'm not very good at. I can do one at a time pretty well, but all three together just boggles my brain and I don't feel like I'm very productive. It probably doesn't help that I'm still unsure if I should be in Provo or not, so I find it hard to commit to a contract. I've been praying like crazy about it, but the heavens haven't seemed to open with a direct answer yet, so I guess we'll see. I tend to get answers with slam in your face NOs, or the path is cleared YESs. Sooo I guess I better just do what I think is best, and I'll get a face slam if I'm wrong. It's been a while since I was on the ask-God-first track, so I'm off in unfamiliar territories right now. I like it though, I feel a lot safer in my decision making.

That's pretty much it for now, but I'll be better about posting more, I promise!


LEESH said...

you'll get everything done.. one thing at a time.

Greg and Alyssa said...

well, I say yes. If that counts for anything.

afton said...

"I haven't felt like myself at allll, and have just felt tired and boring and lame (and extremely sick) all the time." i'm pretty sure we're the same person right now (minus the extremely sick part). except yours was caused by coming home from the single most amazing experience of your life and mine is because i've graduated college and am even FARTHER from knowing what i want to be "when i grow up". but don't worry i have a solution. MOVE TO ARIZONA! i'm happy. you're happy. it all works out. pray on that. love you!