24 October 2008

california, please

Sorry everyone, I am a terrible blogger. My life is great, that’s all you really need to know. I went to Vegas last weekend and it was super fun. I love my job! It sounds weird, but I feel like trade shows are just like a perfect fit for me. Not forever of course, but for my age, situation, and personality, it’s pretty ideal. What’s better than being surrounded by a million people, meeting and talking to a ton of people, selling those people a sweet service, AND getting free trips to rad cities on a regular basis? Not much can top it.

I got my gym pass this week for the lovely Orange Soda employee price of $9/month, and so far I'm loving it. I adore the kickboxing class, though it doesnt love me back too much. Hopefully we can become better friends as I prove my dedication.

Um reallly that's all I can think of in the way of catching up. There wasss a whole lot of drama on my facebook, but luckily that's all tapering off now. Good thing, because the brain-near-explosion thing was getting really old. How do political debaters and bloggers do it for a living? It's TAXING on the brain and the soul, I don't think I could handle it for extended periods of time.

In other news, I'm going to San Diego tonight. Random, I know. Leesh and I were chatting online at work like usual, and suddenly we realized WHY NOT go to California? Since we're probably the world's most random people, it of course made perfect sense and now it's a go. So, look forward to a few snapshots from the adventures of Leesh, Chrissy, Aaron, and Andre in the land of sunshine.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


James said...

convenient too, since the price of gas is like $0 in comparison to what it has been.

Janessa said...

girl! have fun, i wish i could go. we gotta catch up. love

virginia said...

now let me welcome everybody to the wild wild west...

california knows how to party.