02 October 2008

one of those boring political ones THAT YOU SHOULD READ

It's official, my new job is rad.

Sadly, I missed Sushi tonight. This makes 2 weeks in a row, and I dont know how much longer my body will hold up without it. I missed Taco Tuesday anddd Sushi Thursday. What is this world coming to?

Caught the last half of the VP Debate tonight. Goodness I love politics. Not much makes me happier than a classic debate with real facts and tactful class. Props to Biden and Palin for displaying both. I was impressed by both of them (although I'm not going to lie... I'm mega crushin on Biden about now.) Some of you may have noticed that my Obama obsessions have toned down a little bit in recent posts. Let me explain. This does not mean in any way that my love for Obama has diminished. In fact, Biden's showing tonight really just made me like their ticket even more. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll even be going to Colorado to help with some campaigning. So, why less blogging and less obsessing over the big D's then?

Let's face it, I was a bit obsessed. The only problem with being obsessed with something is that... you're obsessed with it. It's harder to see and accept outside opinions and it's harder to find faults in the things you believe in. I'm all about being open minded, and being a fanatical Democrat doesn't help anything or anyone, not even me. I don't want people to ever think I support particular candidates just because I am a registered Democrat or that I'm too intense one way or the other to respect another opinion.

The fact of the matter is that I just generally tend to sway more liberal in most respects. It's truly difficult for me to think from other sides because I believe what I believe so strongly. I dont know if that's making any sense at all or if I'm able to portray what I'm wanting to. Basically I'm just saying that because I'm so opinionated and passionate about some issues it's really hard for me to think any other way. BUT I realize this is a major fault so I'm trying to correct it. I want to always be open to alllll ways of thinking, and respect everyone for how they think, even if it's completely opposite of what I believe. SO, even though I truly LOVE and fully support the Obama-Biden ticket, I also fully respect John McCain and Sarah Palin and all of their political efforts. Sure, I don't like their policies, Palin drives me nuts, and I don't like listening to McCain for longer than 5 minutes at a time, BUT- I still fully respect them and know they just want what they think is best for America, just like every other good politician.

So, cheers to me for trying to be less psycho. Weekly political rant, complete.

PS: If my back screen door creaks open and shut one more freakin time I'm going to pee my pants. WHY IS MY HOUSE SO CREEPY?!?
PPS: Kristen AND Afton AND Janessa are alllllll going to be in town this weekend. WOOT WOOT.
PPPS: I'm getting my car tomorrow (YAY), but I'm still in search of a good bike. Mine was stolen by the University Villa devil crew this summer, and I'm needin a replacement. Any leads?


afton said...

I enjoyed this post. I’m not going to lie though, when I first read the title I thought I was going to have to skim through it lightly and still love you for all of your crazy democratic opinions :) but I agree full heartedly with everything you said. Just like you tend to lean to more liberals ideas I tend to lean towards more conservative ones and even though I can’t fully understand how some liberals can think they are so right when in my mind they are so hypocritical the point is that they think they are right. Therefore they are doing everything they can to defend that opinion. So more power to everyone for actually trying to make change for what they believe so passionately about!

…it was awesome seeing/hanging with you last night. I’ll be calling today…

Janessa said...

girl! I love & the post & agree...& I'm here with u in your creepy house! yay