22 February 2008

livin large in the BRX

So I have been trying my best since I got home to not talk about Brussels too much. I don't wanna be that annoying study abroad girl who just won't shut up about it. But really it's about all I ever think about. Memories created there make me laugh every day and I miss our little intern family! Virginia's latest post got me to thinking even MORE about it, so I figured one little dedication to Brussels couldn't hurt...

Things I miss about living in Europe:
-catching a train and waking up in a new country
-Ryan Air
-George and Jean Claude... my African lovers
-AMSTERDAM with V Strats.
-galavanting all night with Seb and Flo- and then stealin their bed
-Seb teaching us how to make a crack card
-living with Virg and Andrea... probly the best flat of life
-seeing 9 countries in 3 months
-waking up to a mug and tea outside my door
-funny sleepovers...
-night(s) out with Lucky Charms and Terminator
-Clifford.. the best couch on earth
-Mini Coupe, Mr J, and the Stallion. And Stank, of course
-loner "parsley celebration" nights
-cheese and wine european appreciation extravaganzas.
-going to conferences all over Brussels for the free food and drinks
-night capps. and morning capps
-a good Kriek
-Taco Tuesdays at the Crown House
-Durums!!! why hasn't america caught on to kababs???
-the guy who knew my order at the Kabab shop, right when i walked in the door
-culture dinners with the HRWF gang
-making messes, followed by angela being mad at us!
-running at the Lakes
-dancing on tables
-dancing basically anywhere
-galavanting and picnics at the park
-Grand Place... and everything about it
-bus 95, and actually having time to read
-the beauty of Ireland
-meeting on Rogier after work! I LOVE "WE"
-the crackhead who walked me home
-Thanksgiving in Portugal
-ANDRE from Faro and his hotness and his flat and his words of wisdom
-old men on skooters:)
-euro-halloween parties. and wearing Togas on the metro.
-the inability to eavesdrop cuz everyone's speaking a different language
-being surrounded by culture and chocolate and museums and flea markets
-the market at Gare du Midi
-just staring at Big M (just look, don't touch!)
-getting caught up in MCM (many hours of gay Next and Parental Control)
-roadtrips to Normandie with Euro-friends
-making music videos in the car
-castles and palaces and museums
-Place Lux and Misterwash
-waffles, frites, mussels, Fanta, cafes and chocolates
Really, what's there not to miss???


virginia said...

if i may add a few more...
-funny hostel owners in Amsterdam, "now girls, if you smoke remember to open zee vindow"
-keeping the heater on during the day even though "it hurt the global warming"
-independent Romanian films at the EP
-cruising in Mindaugus' Beemer trying to make him dance at the red lights
-sharing headbands
-that MEAN man at the Dutch farmer's market!!!
-"hey, how was last night with jean-claude?" "i just got home!"
-Rockports and Leffes ;)
-"i challenge you to a dual!"
-corduroy pants and chest hair

afton said...

i know what you mean about not wanting to be the annoying study abroad student. i feel the same way about australia. luckily i live with a roommate from the same study abroad so sometimes we just go off together reminiscing.