10 March 2008

the curse is shattered

I had the most amazzzzzzing birthday yesterday, and I feel like I just have to share. I'm blessed with amazing friends and family- and it was really just a great booster of a day for me. The last couple weeks... ok MONTHS have just seemed to crazy confusing and I've really been lacking a lot of direction. Now- I don't necessarily think that birthday magic cured all that by any means, but things just all seem to be coming together- coincidentally right around my birthday.

The best part of it all is that my birthday has long been plagued by a series of unfortunate events that unluckily fall right on my birthday. On my 11th birthday, my Dad had a nervous breakdown (like, literally- haha)and my life basically fell apart, and the 10 years following seemed to be filled with all sorts of the same bad luck. Examples: 14th-jumped by school bully..long story; 18th- the jaleah explosion, 19th- dropping a ring off a balcony and inevitably returning it to the giver... (yeah, we all know that story). Anyways, I'm not tryin to like bring up the past garbage of my life, that's not really the point. Cuz honestly, I find most of those things rather humorous now. Basically, the last 10 birthdays have just been full of nasty- it's a wonder I even look forward to birthdays at all.

However, the curse has been broken and I think my ten year stint has been served. Yesterday I was blessed with the love of amazing friends, and a supportive family. Cards, gifts, and even just being surrounded by the people I love all made it all the better. Church was amazing, and for the first time in a LONG time I felt an inner desire to actually try. I got home after church and jumped on my bed for a solid 5 minutes out of pure joy (yes, i really am a 1st grader). Not just because church was so awesome- but just a combination of a lot of things. Birthdays are great on their own, combined with party anticipation, relief over a re-discovered testimony, and a surge of inspiration to renew life efforts and goals.

The past few months I have been WAY off track, and it's time to refocus my efforts. Thanks to all my friends for reminding me it's possible- not necessarily by anything you say, but by the things you do and the way you live your life and the way you love me, despite all my many deficiencies.

Well, this is gettin all crazy dramatic again and that was definitely not the intention. Really I just wanted to say I had a great birthday and thanks to everyone who played any part. You guys are the greatest.


1 comment:

virginia said...

you are beautiful, inside and out. YOU are the best! xoxo