24 March 2008

hard boiled eggs

Easter was a great day! I woke up early and went to church with Travis since he and Ben are the only ones I know with 9am church. Even Catholics go to church on Easter*, so I figured it'd be worth the extra effort in the morning to make sure I got to go. Leesh and I went up to Morgan with Aaron (because his family is amazingly kind and invited us up) for the best dinner I have had in ages. On the way there, we stopped at his brother's house for petting zoo time. What could be more fitting an Easter activity than playing with little goats and chickies?

Aside from great food and a petting zoo, I really am thankful for the Easter season. Church was all about the Savior and the Atonement, and I couldn't help but think about it allll day long. What an amazing gift!!! I think in the past, Easter was mostly about candy and rabbits because I never really appreciated the Atonement or Resurrection. This year I need it and appreciate it more than ever, and hope to never take it for granted again!!!

*I have NOTHING against Catholics... I respect them completely and think they make the prettiest churches in all of Europe. This statement is in reference to an inside joke with Ioana, who is Romanian Orthodox Catholic somethin somethin... and always says her family only went to church on Christmas and Easter. If they go to church on Easter, it's probably a good sign I should too.


Janessa said...

yay for Easter and yes the atonement is definitely the most amazing thing.. that I have made good use of, probably not good enough, but im workin on it! petting zo...jealous! looks fun and u guys look gooood!

LEESH said...

i didn't go to chruch. that is bad. but i bet dad and them didn't go either. there i go. i'm such a justifier.

Greg and Alyssa said...

you are so p.c. lol glad to know you don't discriminate against catholics haha