20 March 2008

TAG. the game, not the body spray.

James tagged me in the "Random Facts" game. I've never played before, but due to the invite I'm finally starting to feel like an official part of blogging world. As the game requires me to indulge a little about myself, here goes...
  • I don't like Ranch dressing, Maple syrup, or Fox news. Sure sign I don't really fit in at BYU. I read the New Yorker, am addicted to CNN.com, and will vote for Clinton, NOT McCain if Obama doesn't win the nomination. Also, I'm a Democrat (in case the previous lines didn't make that clear) which is enough to put me in the minority all by itself. I used to think Democrats were the devil, and even flew to Michigan to campaign for the R's last year. Oh, how much can change in a year...
  • I skipped the 3rd grade. Well, technically I went for a month, so I guess I didn't skip allll of it. I moved to a new school that year and was helplessly bored learning cursive and filling out worksheets. I used to ask the teacher if I could read to the class during reading time, and being the nice lady she was, she indulged my pleas. If I was anyone else in the class, I would have hated me. The weird part was that after I got bumped to 4th grade I became a sort of celebrity. Definitely nerd celebrity land, but when the whole school only has like 150 kids, and suddenly there's a new 4th grader- people are going to notice. I had like 3 boyfriends that year.
  • I've kissed 3 men who speak absolutely no English. Official proof I speak the language of love.
  • Whenever I pass road markers while I'm in the car, I raise my feet- toes then heels, as the car drives by. This sounds obsurd- I realize this, so let me explain a bit. When I was little I would get bored just looking outside on long roadtrips, so I invented a little game to occupy myself. Whenever we passed a large object, I had to raise my feet over the object as we passed. This applied to road markers, telephone poles, and often boulders. It became a weird little habit, and it's carried on until today. Turns out Leesh does it too- we were meant to be soulmates.
  • One year I was high for an entire summer. I do not recommend this to anyone. No, I am not lying, and yes, I will probably regret including this in my blog.
  • I make a REALLY weird face when I am texting, especially while laying down. I never really noticed until Leesh pointed it out to me, but now that I know about it I'm extremely self conscious. Because let me tell you- it's NOT a pretty face. Basically as I'm laying down and texting, my face gets all scrunched up and contorted, I intensely scowl, and I push out a double chin like no other. All this while focusing intently on whatever I'm texting. The weird part is that usually I'm writing happy texts, but somehow it translates to pain in my face. Odd.
  • My first car was named after a black man (RIP LeRoy), my first concert was N'Sync, and my first kiss was when I was 14. My next 4 siblings (Leesh-19, Jacque-18, Erik-17, Taylor-16) all had their first kisses at age 14 as well, so we had a nice little tradition going. That is, until Sarah made out with JC in the hot tub at age 13. What a little hoe (jk, jk. we told her to do it). But, she is definitely the hottest, so what's to be expected? Sam turns 14 next month, so I think we may be in the clear. As long as we can find him a cute neighbor girl to mack on within the next 13 months, we'll be good to go. Kathryn is only 11, so let's pray she's not kissing anyone for a real long time.

Now I expect a plethora of comments as reassurance it's ok I just spilled my guts on the internet. I tag Alyssa (and/or Greg), Kathryn (and/or Drew), Annalicia, Liberty, and Virginia.


Anonymous said...

Ummm I love you. I can just picture your face when you're texting; haha too funny.

LEESH said...

whoever you are freedom, believe me when i say that it is truly the greatest text face that has ever been scrunched together by a person. someday my plan is to capture it on film. i will make millions. also, damn sarah had to go and ruin the family tradish. (newest shortner for tradition. yes you may partake of.)
speaking of tradish(e)s(?), i don't think emma is going to the g parents for easter. pot luck?

Greg and Alyssa said...

there. I played your little game. I love you!

virginia said...

best blog post ever. i know about two of the three lip lockers, who is the third? I had one once. i was cornered at a kareoke bar by an Italian stallion my first week in brussels. me: "i don't speak italian." him in broken english: "that's okey, you speak with your eyez." a few sips of fruit juice later...

remember how we never had an oven? i just pulled out an amazing apple butterscotch cake. baked to perfection. i'll eat an extra slice for you at Easter dinner, in remembrance of the Crown House.

love, hug.