07 April 2008

ketch-up and mustard

Sorry for the major delay in updates... my brain truly melted after the whole capstone/TFA incident, and nothing even remotely interesting could come out of my fingers. Not that I'm making any promises today, but after a weekend of freedom I feel a bit more capable. Since we last spoke, This is my new favorite website. Thanks to Travis for introducing me to it. What can be better than countless hours of your favorite music, all for free? This has definitely been a lifesaver at work this past week. It has also lead me to discover that i lovvvve Counting Crows. Every time I'm listening to a song and go "wow, who is this??", usually it's them. Check it, check it. And here's Afton and I at Jake's rugby game. Aren't we the cutest?

Leesh dyed my hair last night... I'll put pictures up soon, but I think I'm going to wait til I get a haircut, cuz right now it looks a little dead. It's basically the same red I dyed it in Belgium (actually the exact same kind that Stijn helped me pick at GB) but just a little darker since it wasn't so light this time. Wow, as if anybody cares about my freakin hair...This just goes to prove the caliber of my thoughts the last few days. She also gave me a henna, though- which I'm in love with. I think I'll just have to start becoming a henna regular til I get over this tat-obsessive phase...

Work has been delightful, as always. I got TWO paychecks on Friday, thanks to my dual-job setup now, and it was such a relief! I hate myself when I'm in financial-woes mode, and I'm pretty sure everyone else does too. I just get so naggy and stressed. I think it's one of the only things in the world that makes me extremely pessimistic and downtrodden. Luckily, things are looking up now so I can stop being such a bonch. I owe my friends all my sanity for helping me stay afloat last month. Thanks for your patience! If any of you need anything (this includes spottin some spare change), please never hesitate to ask.

It's weird to think that I'll be graduating so soon. It's especially weird to think that I have no idea what that really means for me. I mean, what's next? I could leave school with a definite plan (like TFA saying: you're going to New York City to teach 9th grade for the next 2 years)... or I can be in absolute limbo, planning to just hang around Provo for a while. OR I can just start making up fake future plans- like I'm going to law school, I'm engaged, I'm moving to Nepal, or I'm planning to hitchhike the country. Utah people seem to really like the first two stories; I could probably pull all of them off (like people believing the story, not it actually happening)... at least in theory. Probably having a desire to go to law school, an existing relationship, or a little bit of fundage would be necessities for the first three. But I could hitchike the country on nothing, couldn't I? Maybe I better stick to option 4. Everyone already thinks I'm a crazy hippie, so it might just fit the bill. (Check out Aaron jumping over the fire... Freakin crazo. Our bonfire was accidentally HUGE.)

General Conference was this weekend, which was nice and inspiring. I didnt go in the fall (I was "busy in Brussels." Right....) so it feels like forever since I've been in the GC groove. Charisse had some extra tickets, so Annalicia and I rode up with her and a few other people in the ward. Despite living in Utah for the past 4 years, this was the first time I've actually got to go into the Conference Center. It was enjoyable... although when you accidentally fall asleep it's a LOT more awkward when you know everybody's watching. Yesterday afternoon Leesh and I went to my Uncle Scott's house with my grandparents to visit his family and watch conference. It was definitely enjoyable-- it's always good to get some family time in. I love when my grandparents are visiting- they give me hope about getting old.
Mountain Dew is my best friend this morning. Sleepovers with 4 people in one queen bed are NOT the best idea. So I blame YOU (you know who you are...) I'd have to say that Leesh rolling off onto the floor this morning was one of the funniest moments of my weekend. I totally thought she did it on accident and the THUD caught me totally off guard... Unfortunately I had to stifle the laughter cuz we still had some sleepers. Funny funny. But yeah, pretty sure spoon-trains on school nights might not be the best idea in the future.
Oh yeah, and it snowed this morning. WTF???


afton said...

"Sleepovers with 4 people in one queen bed are NOT the best idea." i still don't believe it. i had quite a splendid night and morning! haha. sorry about leesh though. i truly felt bad about the space issue and tried my hardest to squeeze between the window and the bed. let's just blame it all on the one next to me.
so sleep-over tonight?

and hello we are the cutest in that pic! thank you jake for providing us with a fun fun afternoon.

the snow? it's freaking APRIL! get me out of this place and bring on the heat!

...longest comment ever. i should have posted it as three separate ones and then it would have looked like more people commented. i try not to be deceitful though.

LEESH said...

i am a big part of your life. i just realized that hahahah

i DID fall off the bed on purpose this morning, thank you very much.

and I'm never doing a sleepover like that again. That was not a sleepover. it was a NOT-SLEEP-AT-ALL-under.

virginia said...

"busy in Brussels"? Haha, I remember that weekend like it was yesterday. Something about Ramadan... my PJ pants making the rounds among our friends... statue surfing. Oh and I think there was a Tibetan in there somewhere.... along with a few "oh my freaking goshes" during a quick kitchen chat about a single digit number.

And look at us now, six months later: General Conference geeks. It was an incredible weekend, wasn't it? I'm jealous that you got to see Pres. Monson in full reign as our new Prophet.

Miss u, peacock. Did you ever get my birthday card?

Greg and Alyssa said...

I need pics of the jan-party. UPDATE!

stijn said...

I remember the search for the perfect red-ish colour in GB... Damn, was that fun (sarcasm). Actually, looking back on it, it kinda was... Laughing at all the ugly-ass colours people would put in their hair; suggesting purple for yours; getting slightly pissed off coz apparently there is more than one kind of red and you took soooooo damn long to choose the right one; and finally being happy I did something more useful than staying in that boring office!

Oh, also: it kinda felt nice to read my name - my actual name in full and correctly spelled - in your blog.

And it's funny as hell! I love reading it. I should really spend more time in "la vie en rose"!
