01 April 2008

this girl's got NEEDS.

I had my FINAL Teach for America interview today. AHHHHH- so stressful. We all gave 5 minute lesson plans, did a team project pretending to be teachers planning a school activity, wrote responses to some article pre-readings we did, answered a bunch of questions (written) on this "problem solving" activity about absences in your school, and then had a question answer session. That was the first 4 hours... and then in the afternoon I had a private 45 minute interview. In case anybody I know every applies... now ya know what to look forward to. Basically it was an INTENSE day.
It actually wasnt as bad as I expected, and we all had a lot of fun together. Mostly it just "inspired me in the cause" of what TFA is all about. What a cool program! Educational discrepancy is SUCH a problem in our country. It's truly tragic. One of the articles we read pointed out that we are failing as a democracy because our education system completely overlooks an entire segment of the population. Regardless of whether I get into the program or now, it's really caused education reform to become a priority for me. No matter what happens, I'll always respect Teach for America and the mission it strives to fulfill. Any undergrads trying to figure out what to do after graduation should definitely look into it!!!

My Capstone paper (ya know.. that 50 page paper that determines if I graduate...) was also due today, so it's nice to have that FINISHED. Our group will get this version back and have one more chance to make improvements before it's sent in for final grading. The bulk of the work is done though, and it feels great! After 2 days of library, interviews, work, and intensity-- my brain feels like it may explode! I'm having a hard time carrying on normal conversations or walking in a straight line. I'm not really sure what it's gonna take to normalize again, so I've started to wonder what I need. I've been brainstorming but haven't found any solutions, so I decided to ask the fountain of all knowledge- Google . I tried asking Wikipedia but it wasn't as helpful--surprisingly enough. So according to Google....

-chrissy needs a few friends with open hearts and open arms
-chrissy really needs to face the facts
-chrissy needs to stop answering the phone
-chrissy needs needle-nose pliers to pull hair out of the shower drain
-chrissy needs some time to get to know you
-chrissy needs to get her shit together
-chrissy needs a car
-chrissy needs to ditch this guy
-chrissy needs God's guidance and help
-chrissy needs to ask Hillary Clinton to explain her hypocrisy

When you spend enough time with the Internet, it starts to get to know you REAL well. Creepy.


afton said...

hahaha that list was oh so appropriate! good job on surviving your two days of insanity. lets be friends again since it's all over and i can see you again!

....who am i kidding. i saw you both those days.

LEESH said...

google is retarded. it left off the most important one:
Chrissy needs to go on vacation with her sister, Leesh.

virginia said...

When I first read the title about your needs, I thought you were referencing spring fever. Haha. So cool about the TFA interview! What cities did you pick?

Janessa said...

girl i love u! and im so proud of who u are! i cant wait to see u.
chrissy needs jan!

Greg and Alyssa said...

chrissy needs to make a new post

Unknown said...

Hey, I am interview with TFA too and found your blog. Anyway you can help me out with the 5-minute lesson plan. What did you and the others do? Thanks for your help. Please e-mail me at eschaefer@bear.com. Thanks, Eric