17 April 2008

why not staying in college forever sucks. kinda.

Yesterday was a READING day which is always oh-so-fun. I took the day off, giving me the wonderful opportunity of spending 12 hours straight on campus. Needless to say, by the end of the night I had a serious migraine. I'm sure the Sugar n Spice soft serve, J-Dawg's Polish, and Smart Cookie sandwich didn't exactly help... Generally I get migraines from not enough water, not enough sleep, or too much sugar. Hmm... wonder what's gonna happen when I combine all 3, plus a full day of cramming stuff into my brain?!? You would think I would learn. Yet, turns out after 8 full semesters I still pull the SAME stint every tiem finals roll around. Oh well, I'm graduating, so it couldn't have been TOO bad a plan, right? I've been thinking about April finals from the past 3 years...and what feels different and what feels the same this time around. (I apologize for all the introspection and sentimentalism lately... I can't make any promises of it stopping for at least the next week or so. Turns out graduating has some weird affects on your emotions)

Freshman year was plagued by a general lack of sleep, so of course finals just perpetuated the problem. All the boys were leaving on missions, and my best girl friends were transferring away... so of course we all had to spend EVERY second together. This left absolutely no time for sleep. On Saturday I drove home, and I remember calculating I had gotten literally less than 11 hours of sleep over the past 4 days. That sort of lifestyle canNOT be healthy. Steve and I car-trained to Vegas, and then he took off for Phoenix and I for San Diego. It is seriously a miracle I made it home alive! I remember Steve pulling over somewhere around St George (come on Steve, didn't we JUST stop for gas??) just checking to make sure I was alive. "Chrissy- you are swerving ALLLL over the freeway. Are you sure you're awake enough to drive???" OOPS.

The end of Sophomore year marked my grand gesture of independence. I had just broken off the "engagement" (I still don't know if it honestly qualifies as one.. so we'll go with near-engagement) and was ready to restart somewhere new. When you feel like your life and future have been dictated by one person for the last 9 months, there generally tends to be some sort of backlash. Great idea Chrissy-- move all the way across the country BY YOURSELF! After a quick stop at home, I drove from San Diego to Kentucky for a new job. Went with nobody, knew nobody (except my manager, that is), and had never been to the Mid-West. Ended up driving all over the damn country.. moved up to Chicago, and then later to Spokane, until I came back to Provo. It was the first time I was making all of my decisions on my own, and it was freakin rad.

Then there's the end of Junior year... the summer of a million bucks. We were SO sure we were going t come home from Minnesota rich. Anytime you have sure expectations for large amounts of money, all time-crunched decisions are bound to be bad ones. "Oh, just throw that away... I can buy a new one in September". Basically I gave away everything I own... including my car for a measly 100 bucks. Aaron and I spent countless hours in the library during finals week, trying to catch up from a semester spent slacking and playing with Greg and Alyssa (when your best friends aren't going to school, it makes it much harder to stay motivated) and then took off on a plane, bound for the craziest summer ever. The summer was a great one-- I'll definitly give it that, but I wouldn't exactly call it financially successful. Knocking doors also blows big time, so mostly I just remember lots of quality park time with Alyssa. And eventful weekends of course... which actually I don't really remember all that well... Came home real poor. OOPS. And now this year I feel like Freshman year is happening all over again... everybody separating, not knowing when we'll really see eachother again. I know we will- everyone will always just be a quick plane ride away (cuz we're all going to be rich and able to afford unlimited air travel, right???) but it's still just weird. I think it's especially weird this year because I'm saying bye to all the same friends as a I did freshman year. So rather than just having a few semesters of DT play time under our belts, we have FOUR YEARS of history. I know I am being ridiculously sentimental about all this, but truly I'm just going to miss it all. Of course it's bitter sweet, cuz I'm also SUPER STOKED at the propsect of not being stuck in Provo anymore, and having the chance to go out and do whatever, go wherever. Maybe I can dedicate some more time to a few out-of-towner friends...(Virg, Jan, Ioana, and the Dayleys to name a few :) But if I'm still around this time next year, kick my ass and put me on the next plane OUT of Utah. I have some BIG things I wanna do in the next couple years... and bummin around Provo forever doesn't happen to be one of them. On a final note, THANKS to all my wonderful friends for the plethora of comments on my last post. Really, you guys are the best and I wish it were really possible to express how much I freakin love you! You're more than welcome to keep up the comment trend.. can never have to many lovins!


LEESH said...

we are seperated by 22 months errrr something like that? and yet i feel like you are so much much much older than me. you have had all types of character building experiences that have shaped you into the most beautiful, intelligent and well-rounded gal i know. i'm so exicted for our summer adventuress to come! i love yuouuuu!

afton said...

i love that i could be part of both of your sleepless college years!

Janessa said...

i love this post and i love you and us. and yes, please visit. im working on the limitless amount of air travel thing...not working out too well, but i will see u soon i hope!
love you girl.