01 May 2008

may day

My friend supply is slowly dwindling down... and it's quite depressing! I guess it is probably for the best since I don't have much time during the days anyways... but it is still sad! I will try to be better about this whole blogging thang over the summer since it will actually be a keep-in-touch mechanism, rather than just babbling about everything that everybody actually knows about.

I started working full time
, and so far, so good! Basically I work from 8 to 8, with an hour inbetween there somewhere to get me from Job A to Job B <yes, the bus really DOES take a full hour to transverse the distance>. Then I have approximately 4 hours to myself before it's time to shower and sleep. Cool, huh??? Actually it's not too bad... I'm blessed with sweet jobs so it's really not the worstest. AND it's all for a good cause....

because I'm officially GOING TO UGANDA THIS SUMMER!!!

I was a bit late on the bandwagon, so I'm very behind on fundraising and earning money. I figure if I work every possible second of the summer, I can cover costs on my own. That way, all additional fundraising money I get will be extra, meaning I can actually put some work money into savings .

I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT UGANDA!!! Anyone who knows me at all (ok, everyone who actually reads this) knows that I have wanted to do this for SO LONG. In the past it's just never worked out or been the right timing... so I'm really praying that this time is it. As apprehensive as a I am sometimes (just based on fundage and timing and job hunting and all that) I really think that I need to just GO FOR IT this time, and push everything else aside. My heart truly aches to go there, to help in some way-- ANY way. Everytime I look at pictures or videos of some of the atrocities going on in Africa, I can't help but well up and cry for a minute. I know that sounds ridiculously sappy, but it really is true. It's something so dear to me, that it has become more than an obsession-- it's like a life calling. SO, guess it's about that time, eh??? Anyone with fundraising ideas, PLEASE SHARE because I'm in desperate need of some guidance.

Since my camera was never recovered post-krishna festival, I have become a bit of a bandit in stealing pictures from other's computers and facebook. Since it's been a while since I posted some quality pix, I figured I'd put some up to wrap up senior year. Please forgive the fact that you've probably already seen them on facebook, or maybe even on your own camera. So, special thanks to all the other photographers out there, since right now I can't be one ...

rasta party
salt flatsben foldsdancin
the parentspadremy lifesavers

the end


afton said...

i miss you already and i haven't even left yet. i hate this.

Anonymous said...

CHRISSY RENAE!!! I miss you dearie... thanks for calling me today it made me soo happy! I love your pictures and your blog and YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XXOOO

LEESH said...

i'm gona throw it out there and say 6/8 were taken on my cam, thankyewverymuch. also, i love you. also, our apt ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ABCD said...

for the record, it's 5/8... and then 1 from lib, 1 from aft, and 1 is actually mine!

also, i love all 3 of you, and your comments, and your cameras, and your blogs. so update them so i can stalk you!

Janessa said...

girl! love the pics and def do all u can to go to africa! this is you chance! you can't risk that it might not ever come around again. i doubt the trip will ever ideally fit into your schedule/$ plans. do it! i still think a band doing a show for proceeds to africa is the best fundraising idea. ppl will pay $10/ticket if its for charity. find a band(s)...anyone know of any?