03 May 2008

my least favorite chore

CHRISSY: So somehow i made it through the whole semester doing only like... 6 loads of laundry. And i spread it out at different friend's houses <cuz my friends are rad>, so i never even paid for it. Which is sweet. But still.. 6 seems like so little, ya know?

ANNALICIA: Yeah, but you've like never been about doing laundry, so it's just like your thing.

C: My thing? What is that even supposed to mean? Like my thing is to not wash my clothes?

A: Well yeah... it's just always been that way. Like even before college. Mom and I talked about it one time. Like how you don't ever have much laundry.

C: Wait- WHAT DO YOU MEAN? People notice this??? <'this' being the fact I'm a cheapskate and want to avoid paying countless quarters for a few extra loads, and hate buying shirts to replace ones that wear out quick due to washing too much (as I wear my 7+year old T from Paris, that I JUST realized has only lasted so long cuz I rarely wash it)>

...pause, as I incur some serious introspection...

Well... do I like.. SMELL?

A: Nooo. Well, <pause> not like a B.O. smell or anything... just like... a human smell.

C: A HUMAN smell? What the hell is that even supposed to mean? What do humans smell like? Is that like the equivalent to animal smell on your clothes? Cuz that's extremely disgusting. OH MY GOSH I can't believe I have a human smell!

A: No seriously... it's not like a bad thing. You don't smell like you need to shower or something. You just have a distinct smell. Like someone who doesn't wash every shirt every time you wear it. Like just... the smell of wearing clothes. Like... just like a HUMAN.
Can anyone else PLEASE weigh in on this? I mean we all know someone who has like that smell... maybe good, maybe bad; but just like a smell you identify all their stuff and their house and their clothes with. I've always tried to avoid being one of those people- by taking care of simple things like showering <almost> every day, keeping my house <almost> clean, taking the garbage out, and not wearing the same lotions every single day. I guess I just totally discounted the persistent washing of every shirt as being part of that prevention process. I am truly mortified.

Needless to say, I will be doing a LOT of laundry this week. Please excuse me while I go round up some quarters...


Greg and Alyssa said...

I laughed very loud at this post and then read it out loud to greg (doing my best chrissy impersonation, as well as what I imagine a solid annalicia impersonation would sound like-- a lot like a chrissy impersonation.) I never even noticed a human smell. You always smelled like various smelling stations in Victoria's Secret. This did bring back grand memories of us finding outfits off of our floor/ each others' floors/ greg's floor in Minneapolis. We did decent amounts of laundry, though, I think. I wash fewer clothes than Greg, because tee's you can wash alot, doesn't really matter. But nice girl clothes... you don't want to wear those out, or they are supposed to be like hand washed or gentle cycle washed or they require lots of ironing. Too high maintenance. Especially when your mom doesn't do your laundry anymore. I think your smell and your laundry habits are totally acceptable. As someone who has lived with you, I give you the official roommate stamp of approval.

Kathryn Pepper said...

I love you. And I miss your awesomeness.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you smell bad and as you know I have a very keen sense of smell. (is keen the right word? oh well). so I can totally envision (again- is that the right word?) you and annalicia having this conversation... I only wish I could have been there in person. I am really bored right now at my brothers I think I might go out to the sites by myself... in the meantime could you post like 3 new entries a day? that'd be great thanks a lot.

Janessa said...

haha i love this. girl u dont smell.

ABCD said...

since i've lived with all 4 of you in the past, i will try and believe you. doesn't mean i won't be a tad self-conscious about it still...