06 May 2008

nomadic business

My office is big and quiet and mostly empty, with the exception of Bright Eyes rollin on Pandora, and the occasional sneak peak at last week's episode of Grey's. Yesterday I was slammed at work, and as stressful as it can be, I often prefer it to the long affairs of denim on cotton padding, where I just sit and stare and wish for something more important to do.

All that I can wish for in a future career is something that matters. I just want to matter- to someTHING or to someONE. I mean, I suppose I make life a little easier for my boss, so I must matter a little. I mean, how would he ever make all those copies by himself? And at I-Sat I'm sure lots of people are extremely grateful that I introduced Dish Network into their lives. How did they ever live with regular analog cable before the days of free DVR and an interactive menu???

I think I may go to China next year. Afton, Libby, and I were all brainstorming about it... and I think I might really be serious about it. If they are not, they should probably back down now- cuz once I start planning I can get a little out of control. But basically there is this program that pays you to go teach and live there. They pay half your plane ticket for staying a semester (and the whole thing for a whole year... but I think I'm only up for a mini session for now), all of your housing while you are there, cover most food expenses, AND provide a salary every month. PLUS you can live with your friends and teach at the same school. Umm.. amazing, maybe?

It wouldn't be until February of next year so I can't be getting all crazy about it just yet or anything. But I just think it could be SO COOL. Plus- if I went to Europe in 2007, Africa in 2008, and then Asia in 2009... I would probably be like the coolest person ever. K, not quite-- but I would be one step closer to all my big dreams and aspirations (number 1 being visit every continent by the time I am 30).

It's like I want to see EVERYTHING for a brief landscape, and then take all the little bits and pieces from all the different places and things I experience, and then form them all together to figure out exactly where I fit into all of it, and what I'm supposed to do with my life. The truth is I'm just not ready to settle down, not ready to buckle into a career. Really just not ready to face the fact I'm growing up I suppose. I enjoy being older and having more freedom and more responsibility and all that... I mean it's not like I want to stay a kid forever. Maybe it's not so much that I don't want to grow up- it's that I don't want to just fall into the status quo of what growing up usually means. I don't mean the getting married and having a (real) job part.. I fully anticipate that eventually I will do both. But I just don't want a normal family, or a normal job, or to live in a normal little house in the suburbs. So for now, I'm perfectly content with just continuing the journey of a nomad.

In the meantime, any suggestions for September-January? No reason that the traveling interim can't become a little adventure of its own. Requests or recommendations?


LEESH said...

welp, i suggested the china thing to you- even though you already had decided to do that. also, you're going to africa. i think i may empty out my bank account and leave the country and wander for a couple of years goood byeee

Janessa said...

girl, I think China would be amazing. and don't worry about not wanting to buckle down into a career...do whatchu want for as long as you can and as long as you want. i wish i wasnt so into me career right now, i want that freedom and want to escape for months at a time. which is hopefully what i will be able to do when i become an agent...but we'll see. bills suck! keep as little of them as possible. china would be great. i'd def look into it.
also...as for making a difference, or having what you do matter...i struggle with that as well. at work i do make a difference to the ppl i train and help, but whatever who really cares about insurance. I think you just have to be involved in other things, besides work, that make a difference...finding the ideal job would b better tho...but lets face it, those jobs dont pay jack.
ok, the end. love you.

afton said...

is it bad that i don't EVER want a future career? like also these people say "do what you want while you still can" well, thanks but i plan on doing it always. i know real life will come bite me in the butt eventually but why do i have to prove to everyone i'm a graduated adult by having a 9 to 5 somewhere?!