25 June 2008

the bestest in the westest

Yesterday was an awesome day. Easily one of the best of the entire summer. For starters, my morning boss is out of town for the week, so work is nice and stress-free. Then after being at I-Satellite for about 5 minutes.... they sent us all home. WOO HOOO!!! Free day without even having to feel guilty about it. So, to celebrate the wonderful HOTTT weather we have been having, we decided to head down to the lake (yes, Utah Lake, despite rumors of it being unbearably disgusting. turns out it's not so bad). We blew up one of Aaron's rafts, the 3 of us jumped on (yeah, remember how i have no other friends? of COURSE it was leesh and aaron), and rowed on out. Basically we layed on the raft and fried and swam and fried and layed out some more. It felt so good to get to play in the water!!! After 2 months straight of being cooped up in office buildings, it was nice to get some real sun. We're all a bit burnt today, but within a few days it will be a nice, golden tan, I'm sure...

After revamping at the house for a while, we decided to trade in our swim suits for hiking shoes, and head up to the mountains!!! When you get an unexpected day off, you have to take advantage of the rare freedom while you have it. So we picked this random turnoff up Provo Canyon that Aaron has always been curious about, and went exploring. Turns out there was a really cool trail going straight up a little cut out of the canyon, and straight up a stream bed. It was so gorgeous!!! The sun was setting, so the weather was perfect, and parts of the trail were actually in the stream so we got to cool off along the way. When we got back to the bottom, we just walked around the roadside and felt the wind and stared at the huge mountains.

yeahhh on the way back down i slipped and slid down this section of the stream on my butt. sweet.
i dont have any pix of the lake portion of the day, but im pretty sure leesh's bronzed body is evidence enough.

so maybe utah is pretty cool after all...

check out my chacos.... shipped, delivered, adored, tested, APPROVED.
All in all, FANTASTIC DAY!!!

1 comment:

LEESH said...

truly, one of the greatest.