26 June 2008

Warning: I am a creepster

SPECIAL SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: I WORK WITH THE BYU QUARTERBACK. anddddd several players (although im not sure their names yet).

So the truth is, I don't deeply care about BYU Football, and haven't watched a game in like 2 years. I haven't even talked to him yet (despite the fact he sits only 2 cubicles down). BUT, it just seems like one of those things you can brag about. Maybe not as cool as meeting Angelina Jolie's nanny or marrying a prophet's Grandkid or something.....

But helllllllllllllllllo here. I WORK WITH MAX HALL.

(if he walks by while im writing this post, and sees HIS OWN PICTURE on my screen, i will be the most embarrassed person ever. how do you explain a situation like that? at least it's not a covert operation picture i snuck OF HIM with a cell phone or something... is google-image stalking less invasive than cell-phone sneaks? new survey question.)

Yupp. That's him on the left. BOO-YAH. Beat that.


Cindy said...

ok ok. you don't know the half of creepster. i pretty much stalk the entire football team. which leads me to my next question, where do you work and what shifts? because i've been looking out for a pic with max for months now. you could help make my dream come true.

virginia said...

Talk about an incentive to get up for work in the morning!!

LEESH said...

ew, he's a fag

LEESH said...

wait, was he the one that was being a meanie on the phone?

ABCD said...

noooo that was the other one. max is a nicey.