16 February 2008

figurative devirgination

Ahhh my first blog posting! I've put this off for months.... years actually, always sure that anything I would put out for public would be tainted by my own naive fears of judgment and desire for social acceptance. However, currently I couldn't care less about all that so it seems fitting to start throwing my thoughts around out loud. I have nobody to try and impress, no desire to be someone I am not, and am finally proud of myself, my thoughts, and even ready to defend my actions. Plus, we all know I love to talk so this simply provides an additional venue to do so.

I've gotten really good at keeping a personal journal lately, and plan to continue doing so. It feels good to just release tangents sometimes, or to sort out thoughts and plans with a pen or on a keyboard. My journal is great, but sometimes I develop insights I wouldn't mind sharing with close friends, or experience things I just can't wait to tell everybody about. What better way to address this issue than a blog??? So, here we go; welcome to the land of Chrissy on Crack!


Greg and Alyssa said...

yayyyyyy! My first non-couple blogger friend! I have been awaiting your arrival! Plus now everyone will get a blog because everyone knows if you do something it is cool. Excellent first post, I am looking forward to reading more and hoping there will be controversy, although I'm guessing since the population of BYU en masse probably won't be reading it there might not be too much. But I can hope. I LURV you!

virginia said...

night capps.... nice. what about mega caps?