28 February 2008

working on the WSD thing

Although I love my job, occasionally I get distracted and find other projects that consume bits of my time. Today I've picked out this summer's swimsuit, my future wedding ring, and a few pairs of shoes. I also enjoy scanning some of my favorite websites for bits of entertainment throughout the day. Urban dictionary.com is definitly among the favorites list, so today we are going to expand upon basic vocabulary.

frienvy: feeling of want or need for something a friend might have. People often experience friendvy when a close friend of theirs loses weight, gets a promotion, or finds a new lover.

bragadocious: an adjective describing something or someone that is bragging too much

word out: marks the end of your conversation and your departure. opposite of "word up"

WSD: "Write Shit Down". A popular method of organization. Works equally well in one's personal or professional life.

dandruff: one who always ditches or "flakes" on group activities

january joiner: join the gym in January, over it by February

brokeback: anything of questionable masculinity; a broke-back man purse

safety buzz: drinking so you have an excuse for all the stupid things you may do later

f that s: to replace vulgar language with the letters they begin with. as to not sound like an 8 year old who just learned the word.

facebookable: content is considered appropriate enough to be viewed by the general public of the facebook community i.e. friends/significant others/family/coworkers without having to worry about explaining a sketchy situation

400 K.C.'s: supposedly making out for 20 minutes burns 400 (kilo)calories

Virginia also introduced me to another fantastic blog, which can be found at: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/

No idea who the author is, but this is some FUNNY STUFF.


Greg and Alyssa said...

1) you do not need another swimsuit.
2) if you wait to start having kids until we are done having kids, you will probably not be having kids until your early to mid thirties. But, if you decide to go that route, you are welcome to ALL our baby stuff haha
3) I see you in 4 days!!!!!

virginia said...

i'm leaving a holla back even though i'm not a holla back girl.

how do you say f'shizzle with 'f to s'?