28 June 2008

Am I taking crazy pills here...

Or did everyone just disappear off of the blogging planet?!? I don't know whether it's that people are hiding out and reading without sendin lovins (aka where are my comments???), I've suddenly gotten super boring so nobody bothers checking my page anymore, or if blogging just got lame overnight and I didn't even know it.

What is going on here?


Winston said...

Hey, thought I would show you a little lov'n. Sounds like you could use some. Here is a comment catered just for you. I probably should do better at this comment stuff, I hate it when people don't leave comments on Rachel and my blog. But I have a suggestion for you that may cheer you up or depress you more. If you set up analytics on your page you can see all sorts of stuff like how many visits you pages gets each day to what state they are visiting from. It is super cool and is a cool way to gage traffic without depending on comments.
Off topic: What are your plans for 4th of July. I wish we could have a traditional Deer Lake party with all our friends and family!

afton said...

oh chrissy, what a horrible blogging friend (and needless to say blogger!) i've been lately! i always think of something to comment about and yet somehow lose out on the follow through (what else is new, ya know). but your last post about the BYU quarterback?! I LAUGHED OUT LOUD! loved it. and i even tried to google his name as well to see where you got that crazy pic from and yet i couldn't find it anywhere. it's posts like that that make me know why i love you!