12 June 2008

Ebay Madness

I know that none of this display-of-what-I-bought stuff is interesting to anyone else but probably me... but I'm just so excited about this new addiction that I can't help but show off the goods. So, I've never had an Mp3 player before- no Ipod, no generic version, no Zune, nothing. They've always seemed overpriced, and frankly a bit unnecessary. I never wanted to be one of them walking around with headphones comin out of my head all the time (no offense to those of you who tote around the ipods. really i'm just jealous). Sometimes I like to just celebrate the silence, ya know??

BUT I finally got curious, broke down and searched them out on ebay... which inevitably lead me to an entertaining full scale bid war with some stranger in cyber-space. And the good news is... I WON!!! I figured I'm going to want one for the mega trip to Uganda (umm yeahhh 40 hours in planes and airports. sweet), and it will also be handy to store up pictures and videos. I ended up getting a 30 gig Zune, sleek black, barely used, and coming my way in a short 3 days...

Oh, and thanks to Zune's new unlimited pass options, I'll be able to enjoy ALLLLLLL the music I want (as in any song, any time), at a mere $15 a month. Yay.


Janessa said...

yay, those are pretty sweet. i like em better than ipods...and unlimited music? tight.
also, i love u. thanks for being u. and understanding me. and life.

Winston said...

Our new stalker eh, sounds exciting! It sure is good to hear from you. Thanks for the support on our blog.

Thats pretty nifty. How are you going to get unlimited music, is that a world wide thing or how does it work?