20 June 2008

if i were Catholic, this is what i'd confess:

#1: I wanted to sue them. About 2 weeks ago I opened my little oatmeal packet to a lovely surprise... a huge infestation of bugs and larvae!!!! It was truly the grossest thing of my whole life. What if I had been oblivious as usual and just cooked them up and ate the whole thing??? Eughhh. *note: It was NOT Costco Organic with the bugs in them. It was an brand I will not mention here (cough... quaker...cough...) that I will no longer be eating for a while. My parents say this phenomenon of random bug appearances is normal. I say, I am NOT in Africa yet, and therefore will not tolerate bugs in my food!

#2: I bought a pair of designer jeans. Annalicia made me. But now that I have them, they were worth every penny (yup, all 10,000 of them). Citizens are officially my new favorite denims. And I wear them (almost) every day.
#3: I slept all the way there.
Leesh and I went home for Jacque and Erik's graduation (see facebook for more pictures...), and I literally slept the entire way there. In the car on the way to the airport, on the plane (thank you leesh for your lovely shoulder... and lap), and then again all the way from Seattle to Kennewick. Going home makes me miss my family, and miss us all being together all the time. Sometimes I wish we were all back in the California house just runnin around in the back yard with squirt guns, or cruisin for pajama rides in the Suburban. Growing up is weird.

#4: When my neice was born, I thought she was odd looking. But now she is adorable, so it's ok, right?

#5: I like hosting/attending/watching big parties. I just get this weird high from inviting lots of people over and then being surrounded by all of them. At this particular party (Jac and E-rock's grad party) I knew nobody but family, but just loved walking around and watching everybody. I'm such a stalker.

#6: Large crowds rejuvinate me.
I'd been feelin a bit down-and-out lately, but couldn't quite put my finger on whyyy. We decided to go to Orem SummerFest last weekend, and it was perfect. Being surrounded by thousands of strangers was just what I needed to perk up. There's just something about brushing arms with people you've never met, smiling at babies, and eating nasty fair-food that gets the endorphins pumpin.

#7: Thad is the cutest. And I am going to be a good Jesus-Mommy. I would consider staying in Provo a bit longer in the Fall just to see him every day. I think having him around will fulfill any baby-wanting urge I get over the next few years (not cuz he makes me not want to have a baby, but because having a Jesus-baby makes you forget you don't actually have one). *Note: I currently have no baby-wanting urges within my soul. The only reason I mention this is cuz I hear those start to surface around age 21 or 22. Is this a viscious rumor?
#8: Sometimes I actually think it's funny that he can nevvvvver keep a straight face for photographs. A normal smile? He truly just can't do it.

#9: I'm going to miss my sister bunches and bunches when I leave. In a mere 18 days. And wish her luck. On her Californian adventures.

#10: I am a peacock.

the end.


LEESH said...

ahhh that was a FABBBBBBULOUS post m'dear. i unna miss chooo sooooo baddd!! don't leave me from africia- they don't need you as much as i do. please just stay here so i can sleep in your bed at night when i am scared, and so we can eat nasty food at the fairs and enjoy being in crowds and enjoy buying things we don't need. and also, please don't leave because i like laughing with you and i like when i make you really mad and i'm sorry that i do it sometimes, i just think its so funny. i never mean it though, i just do it because you are my sister. and also you are my best friend, and africa and france and china are so far away- ughhh :( california scares me... shit. okay, i love you i wil miss you and i will write you everyday, just like wqe did when you were in belgium! xoxo, gossip girl

Greg and Alyssa said...

:-O you put the peacock online! Bold move my dear. Bold indeed.

virginia said...

KILLER jeans, your booty looks hotter than ever! Funny about your niece, haha. Miss ya lots, peacock love! xoxo

LEESH said...

too bad i'm not going to california or anywhere.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................except crazy

Janessa said...

that WAS a fabulous post & yes i've fallen off the blogging planet, i will work on that. i love u! dont leave me! actually do, because it will be amazing & then we can hang out after & i can be jealous:)