29 June 2008

sweet, sweet domesticity

My last entry was supposed to be a pity-post that I left up until everybody felt bad and commented the heck out of it................ but I have no patience and I have to do a new one. With Annalicia and Aaron being gone, it's left me with quite the plethora of free time (oh yes, i mean plethora).

I miss them like crazy, but I've tried to pass the time quickly by being productive and getting as much done as possible. I finally went running a few times over the last few days, the house is spotless, I'm completely packed (I realize I don't leave for 9 days, but the excitement is killin me!), yesterday I went to the Farmer's Market, and I even went and layed by the pool and swam for a while.

So now it's Sunday, and I was trying to figure out what to do with my last 10 hours of seclusion.
(Wait, go to church, you say? At my (much hated) ward? Alone? As if...) So I decided to put Annalicia's sewing machine to the test.

My dear, dear parents have provided me with a new camera for the trip (which is on it's way south with Leesh right now!) and I decided I needed to figure out how to protect it well. I'm notorious for losing, breaking, and dropping all things electronic, particularly my string of cameras in the past few years. One of my new goals is to take better care of my stuff, so I went to work at the ultra-mega protectant camera case. Unfortunately the sewing machine busted within the first 5 minutes (easy fix, I'm sure, but I was too groggy and confused this morning to mess with it) so I just went to work with the needle and thread. What was I gonna do with the rest of the day anyways???

All in all, it's been a fun morning, and I'm pretty excited to show it off. Here is the final product:

I'm not the biggest fan of the wriststrap, but I had to make due with my limited supply stash this morning. I think I will work on replacing it this week. But, it
is reversible and packed with stuffing on every side, so if (heaven forbid) it DOES drop, hopefully the lining will take some of the heat. It's been a while since I've sewed, and actually I forgot how much I like it. Afton's got nothin on me!!! (just kidding, just kidding. Afton is basically the best sewer ever and I am super envious of her skills. She makes like.... REAL stuff. I hope to someday reach her level of mother-readiness)

I also made a little throw pillow for my upcoming trip. Nothing fancy, but honestly the angle doesn't really do it justice. It's actually pretty cute, I promise. It's nice and simple, and will be easy to tote across the world (literally, as it's going to take 44 hours and 4 layovers to actually GET to my destination).

Well, now that I'm hooked on this new sewing concept and more awake than before, I think I'll go see what I can do about the sewing machine. Turns out it's a LOT faster than hand stitching everything, so I don't think I'm up for another project until it's back in commission.


JAWinston said...

Shame on you for not going to your "much hated" ward! Anyways, enjoyed reading a couple of your blog entries. Looking forward to seeing you this 4th of July. I hope it is ok that I include a link to your blog on my on blog.

JAWinston said...

So how do I make my blog wider? (I see that yours goes from one side of the screen to the other. Mine, sadly does NOT.) Please HELP!

LEESH said...

cool stuff- what a homebody!

ps. fix my sewing machine.

love, me

Kathryn Pepper said...

Haha, look at you! You're so crafty. I never knew of your hidden potential!! I miss you and one weekend was DEFINITELY not enough time for us. I love you, gurrrl.

afton said...

first of all i cannot believe you hand stitched those!! way impressed girl way impressed! i would never even attempt projects with out my blessed sewing machine. i love both of your new items! and hello i can't believe you're leaving SO SOON! i'm way jealous and way excited for you. think of my while i'm finishing (aka just starting) my english class in the next 25 days. (can you say procrastinator?) and sorry i've been so AWOL lately, my life it kinda intense crazy right now and not in the good way. not even in the productive way. just in the crazy intense way. HA. love ya girl!

virginia said...

You are a domestic goddess. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

oooh I love your camera holder, very classy. I need to talk to you on the phone soon I feel. I posted a few posts today just for you because I HEART YOU LOTS!!